A specially commissioned statue of Mary, Mother of God is visiting more than 100 locations across the Diocese of Charlotte during the anniversary year – making a spiritual pilgrimage to visit the faithful across our diocese just as she did in her “Visitation” to St. Elizabeth. Through participation in this memorable Marian Pilgrimage, our diocesan family comes together by uniting parishes, missions, schools and other Catholic institutions in prayer to God through the intercession of our patroness. (Read more about the custom statue: “Pilgrim image of Mary to visit 100-plus sites across diocese this year”.)
Marian Pilgrimage
What is a Pilgrimage?
A pilgrimage is no ordinary journey. It’s a kind of “holy traveling” undertaken with resolve for a particular spiritual purpose. Throughout Church history the faithful have traveled to holy sites – whether it’s a place where a saint lived, a miracle occurred, or a saint is especially honored – to obtain a special favor and do penance for one’s sins.
How can you have a fruitful pilgrimage? Simply carry a special prayer intention in your mind and heart! You can have a single intention, or a different one for each destination. Upon arrival kneel near the altar or statue of Our Lady and pray fervently, asking her to intercede with Jesus for your request. Conclude by offering prayers of gratitude and thanksgiving.
Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us!

Where’s Mary?
The statue of Mary, Mother of God is visiting parishes, missions, schools and other Catholic institutions across the Diocese of Charlotte. Check back here to see where Mary is going next!
January 7 – January 12
This event has passed.
January 12 | 5:30PM
This event has passed.
Our Sponsors
We give thanks to our sponsors for their generosity in supporting the yearlong celebration of our golden anniversary: