
Candles by Mike Labrum

Photo courtesy of Mike Labrum, Unsplash

A novena (from Latin: novem, “nine”) is a series of prayers traditionally prayed for nine consecutive days for a special intention or petition. This tradition has its origin with Mary and the Apostles and recalls the nine days they prayed in the Upper Room from the Ascension of Jesus Christ into heaven to the descent of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost.

Novenas are employed to amplify our petitions and to “pray without ceasing” as Our Lord instructs (1 Thess. 5:17). Praying for a particular intention for nine consecutive days requires effort and diligence to complete, therefore novenas are known to obtain greater graces in proportion to the greater perseverance of heart that motivates them.

There are a great variety of traditional novena prayers available online and in Catholic prayer books, often imploring a particular saint for a certain favor. Although they can be prayed at any time for any intention, when recited in honor of an approaching feast day, the 9th and final day of the novena is traditionally recited on the eve of the celebration.

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