About the Diocese
The Diocese of Charlotte encompasses the 46 counties of the western half of North Carolina, bordering Virginia, Tennessee, Georgia and South Carolina, with more than 500,000 Catholics in 92 parishes and missions spread across 20,700 square miles. We operate 19 schools and more than 50 ministries and programs – including food banks, counseling, affordable housing, prison ministry, youth and elder ministry, campus ministry, anti-poverty efforts, refugee resettlement, teen pregnancy support, pro-life advocacy and, new in 2022, a Family Life Office. Founded in 1972, the diocese features wonderful diversity: about half of parishioners are of Hispanic heritage, but our diocesan family includes people from nearly every continent. We have also welcomed other particular churches sui iuris with liturgical rites reflecting the universality of the Catholic Church.
What’s a diocese?
A diocese is a geographic territory under the pastoral care of a bishop. In the Catholic Church only the pope can create, divide or merge dioceses. All dioceses are divided into parishes, each with its own church and typically a priest. The word “diocese” is sometimes misconstrued as the administrative office of the territory. Dioceses are typically named for the largest city within their territory – hence the Diocese of Raleigh, which covers the eastern half of North Carolina, and the Diocese of Charlotte, which covers the western half.

Our History
From our earliest days of circuit-riding priests to our roots in the Carolina Gold Rush, the Diocese of Charlotte stands on the shoulders of countless missionary priests, consecrated religious, and faithful lay people who built up the Church in western North Carolina. Thanks to their sacrifices, our diocese has produced much fruit, as highlighted in our timeline.
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Our Bishops
The diocese has flourished under the leadership of its four bishops – with rapid multicultural growth a hallmark of their tenure. With different styles and passions, each bishop brought a unique vision, deep love for the Lord, and pastoral care for the people, priests and parishes that share Christ’s love across western North Carolina.
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Our Community
The Roman Catholic Diocese of Charlotte includes African American, Hispanic, Vietnamese, Hmong, Burmese, Korean and African communities, among others. Four other particular Churches have also planted faith communities here. Discover the array of peoples worshiping Our Lord in western North Carolina – all members of the one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church.