Prayers & Devotions

The 50th anniversary theme, “Faith More Precious Than Gold” (1 Peter 1:7), encourages use of the Church’s tried-and-true prayers, devotions and sacramentals which for centuries have brought people closer to God. Just a few of them are described here. We invite you to use these treasures during this anniversary year as a way to deepen your faith.

Also featured: A special 50th Anniversary Prayer and monthly prayer intentions, so that we may confidently ask for the graces we hope to receive from God as we celebrate the founding of the Diocese of Charlotte. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us!


The 50th anniversary year will bear great spiritual fruit if we ask God for the graces we hope to receive. Please offer the 50th anniversary prayer daily for many graces to be poured on our diocesan family during this jubilee year:

Read the prayer


Bartolomé Esteban Murillo, The Immaculate Conception, 1655–60, Oil on canvas, 84 x 55 3/8 in. (213.4 x 140.7 cm). Meadows Museum, SMU, Dallas. Algur H. Meadows Collection, MM.68.24. Photography by Michael Bodycomb. Courtesy of the Meadows Museum.

Monthly Intentions

For caregivers. May God grant all who care for the sick, needy, elderly, and imprisoned an outpouring of His love and mercy, that they may be strengthened in their apostolate and remain steadfast in living the Spiritual and Corporal Works of Mercy.

See All Monthly Intentions

Saint of the Month

St. Paul Chong Hasang

St. Paul Chong Hasang
Feast Date: September 20

See All Saints of the Month

Marian Art of the Month

‘The Cambrai Madonna’ (‘Notre-Dame de Grace’/’Our Lady of Grace’)

‘The Cambrai Madonna’ (‘Notre-Dame de Grace’/’Our Lady of Grace’)

See All Marian Art

The Angelus

This devotion prayed at 6 a.m., noon and 6 p.m. reminds us of Mary’s willing participation in the divine encounter that forever changed the world.

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The Holy Rosary

There is no problem, no matter how difficult it is, that cannot be solved by the Rosary. Pray it whenever you like, or on suggested days connected to our diocese’s history.

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The Miraculous Medal

This medal calls to mind Mary as the Immaculate Conception, identifying her as the New Eve and the woman mentioned in the Book of Revelation.

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Confraternity of the Brown Scapular

Receive Mary’s promise of special intercession and protection.

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Total Consecration to Jesus Through Mary

Entrust yourself to Jesus through Mary – the perfect model of discipleship.

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Divine Mercy Chaplet

The Divine Mercy Chaplet calls to mind the ancient and powerful “Jesus Prayer” known to Christians of the East.

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Through novenas, we can “pray without ceasing” as Our Lord instructs (1 Thess 5:17).

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Cord of St. Thomas Aquinas

Chastity is a virtue to promote in our increasingly coarse world.

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